Book Your PRIVATE READING with Jane and Heidi! 


When you have finished with checkout, give us a call at 401-335-9535 to get you scheduled on our calendar, please allow 24 hours for us to call you with available times and dates to choose from. 


At the scheduled time for your Reading, Jane and Heidi will call you to conduct your Reading and Crystal Profile.   If you are unavailable or do not answer the call, you will need to reach out to us to arrange another appointment due to the missed call.

We provide one opportunity to reschedule an appointment if you miss a call.  If you are unavailable or do not answer your phone for the rescheduled appointment, you will forfeit the full cost of your reading.

Occasionally, unexpected adjustments to our schedule may necessitate the rescheduling of appointments.  We regret any inconvenience this may cause and are grateful for your understanding.

Enjoy a 30-minute reading session with Jane and a 10-minute crystal profile consultation with Heidi. Once you've booked your reading, please email to schedule your appointment!

Blessings Heidi and Jane